Tallulah Sulis, CHP, CMT, CSB
Somatic Sex Therapist
Sexological Bodyworker
Sex Coach
Yes, we actually do therapy...in bed!
Based in Newport Beach, CA
Serving Los Angeles, Orange County & San Diego
Tallulah is featured on:
Luvbites Podcast with Dr. Tara
All 3 Episodes can be viewed our Press & Media page
Tallulah is featured on:
“Sex Life” on EPIX

Somatic Sex Therapy and Sexological Bodywork as seen on NETFLIX: Sex, Love & Goop!

Tallulah is featured in:
The New York Times Bestseller
“The Four Hour Body”
by Tim Ferriss

Thinking about a Session?
I offer in person sessions to individuals of all different sexual orientations and identities. I am LGBTQi, kink and sex worker friendly! I work with partners in all kinds of consensual non-monogamy configurations and those looking to explore different options for themselves or their partnership.
I do sessions with clients in Los Angeles and Orange County. Virtual sessions on zoom are also available, but in person sessions are preferred. If you would like to read more about what happens in a session, go to this page.
15 Minute
Complimentary Consultation
If you're curious about what happens in a session, call and leave a message or text and we can set up a 15 minute complimentary phone consultation.
Gain Sexual Mastery
& Rock her World!
Overcome Erectile
Dysfunction (ED & PE)
Deepen Intimacy, Discover Tantra & Kink
Performance Anxiety
& Inhibitions
Increase Libido & have
Multiple Juicy O’s
... And so much more!