I offer in person sessions to individuals of all different sexual orientations and identities. I am LGBTQi, kink and sex worker friendly!
I work with partners in all kinds of consensual non-monogamy configurations and those looking to explore different options for themselves or their partnership.
Tallulah Sulis,
Somatic Sex Coach & Therapist
Sexological Bodyworker
In Person Sessions in Newport Beach, CA
Working with Clients in Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County
Contact by Phone: 323-645-0077
Leave a message to set up a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your needs.
Contact by Email: tallulahsulis@gmail.com
If email is more comfortable for you to reach out, please know that my response time will be a little longer than if you reach me by phone.
Virtual Sessions on Zoom are available for men, women and couples worldwide, in any time zone. I am on Pacific Time (PST)
You are whole
“As Tallulah says, ‘where you are at is perfect, and you are already whole.’ Instead having performance anxiety, I feel more empowered as a sexual being” -H.